Looking for the best ways to make $350 a day?
This article got you covered.
Right on this page, you’ll get exposed to some of the best and truly working ways to make as much money as $350 dollars in a single day.
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And even more.
Although they work and they’re realistic, they require you to work hard, consistently, and to also learn or educate yourself.
Some of the strategies here to $350 a day can earn you passive income, and some others are just pure passive income.
With this said, here are 10 practically working ways to make $350/day.
How to Make $350 a Day: 10 Practically Working Ways.
1. Start a blog.
Want to make $350 dollars a day, right?
Start a blog.
Blogging might be really popular, but if you start your own blog, then you can make much more than $350 per day.
I’m not saying that you’re going to receive $350 dollars every single day the moment you start up your blog.
I’m saying you can build a blog from scratch to earn $10 dollars, $100 dollars, $300 dollars, and eventually over $350 bucks daily.
It takes time, and there’s no shortcut.
The key to success with blogging is to settle for a profitable niche and barricade your blog with the best contents through a mix of quality and consistency.
However, if you’ve not started blogging, you can start right away and become a blogger in the next 10 minutes.
The best thing about starting a blog is that you’re able to generate passive income from it for years to come.
Start blogging today using this guide.
2. Try affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is one of the surest ways to make $350 a day.
There’s a learning curve to doing affiliate marketing the right way.
And once you’re good at this, you can consistently generate thousands of dollars per month.
With affiliate marketing, online hustlers are easily making much more than $11,000 (in excess of $350/day) over month.
While tons of affiliate marketers generate several thousand dollars just recommending products, some other affiliate marketers generate… crickets… nothing.
This however is due to a gap in knowledge.
If you know how to do affiliate marketing the right way to make money, you’ll be blown away by your own results.
3. Build an app.
Building an app comes down to resolving a problem, a challenge or satisfying a need.
Basically, you can build an app, promote it even more and get people to use it.
If you want to make $350/day, then this can quickly become a reality for you if your app is monetized with ads.
Building an app from scratch takes time, and money.
And you don’t have to be a programmer yourself to have an app of your own or to code up an app.
There are people waiting for you to work with them or hire them for anything techy.
Just have a brilliant idea and you’ll see how many people are capable and willing to bring your software idea into a reality.
4. E-commerce.
Another way to make $350 dollars in a day is to launch an ecommerce business or website.
It’s gonna be challenging as a new ecommerce business will depend a lot on marketing and creativity to have a share of the market audience.
If you can shell out the money, then you can start up an ecommerce business of your own.
I’m basically highlighting this here as one of the ways to make $350+ passively and daily, but it’s a different ballgame when you initiate the process of starting up your own ecommerce business.
A lot happens, a lot is involved, but you can make it work.
5. Trade crypto.
Crypto trading however joins the list of realistic ways to make $350 a day.
This time, you’ll be trading from your home. And making money.
For professional traders, $350/day is not really a big deal.
What’s a big deal is making 100% of their trading capital every single day.
Largely depending on your trading skills, you can generate a full-time income trading crypto.
On the other hand, you can start learning how to trade crypto profitably if you’re new and never tried it out before.
And you don’t have to look too far to start learning.
There are countless video tuts online to help you get started.
6. YouTube.
Starting a YouTube channel is one of the many valid ways on how to make $350 a day.
It’s free to get started, and you can easily grow your channel by being consistent.
And by “consistency”, I mean uploading some of the best videos in your niche.
Not just crap videos. But videos that spit quality. First of all, settle for a niche.
This has to be something you like, want to learn about or have a great passion for.
Whatever it is, the niche has got to be the profitable niche.
Once you’ve found that, learn about YouTube SEO and how to optimize your videos to rank highly on YouTube.
Thirdly, find popular keywords in your niche that almost one has created a video about, review products in your niche, compare niche products, create “list of products” videos, and stay consistent.
You can monetize your videos using affiliate links even before your channel is eligible to run ads.
And yes, doing this over the course of a few months can get you to $11k+ a month.
It takes time to grow, but you eventually will.
7. Airbnb.
On Airbnb, you can lease your apartment for the night and get paid. This is because there are strangers all around town.
And they’re looking for the best apartments or the most affordable places to pass the night while they continue their business, tour, or plan the next day.
If you’ve got an apartment of your own, you can list it on Airbnb for $350+ per night.
Meanwhile, your apartment really needs to be worth over this figure or just it.
If it’s not worth even half of it or it’s not convenient at all, then don’t expect to get any offers/clients.
If you’ve got multiple apartments, that’s even better.
This is because you’d be able to list them at cheaper rates. Like $200/apartment.
Making a total of $400/night. Or $200 dollars more frequently.
8. Dropshipping.
Dropshipping is one way to make money passively, but it requires you to be smart and to understand how buying and selling works on the internet.
It’s simple in concept; you start a store and connect this store you’ve created to another store (typically an ecommerce store like Amazon).
Once you’ve initiated a connection, product orders from your store will automatically flow to this ecommerce store and they’ll process the order, send the products, and undertake the shipping procedures.
You basically import products, add prices to the products you import, and interact with customers having challenges with the products they received.
It’s a smooth road, but there are some portholes.
9. Ride-sharing.
This is one of the realistic ways to make up to $350 a day driving around town.
If you have a car, you can sign up with the ride-sharing services available and dominance in your city.
Globally, Uber takes the larger cake.
With that said, working for Uber can make you up as little as $5 dollars, and as high as $500/day.
Depending on how many hours you’re willing to work, you can get paid up to $200 daily.
That’s more like an average.
The longer hours you work, the more money you’re likely to make.
Recommended: How to Make $300 a Day from Home & Offline: 13 Realistic Methods
10. RV rentals.
If you have an RV that’s laying waste, you can rent it out to make $350 a day.
Although you won’t be renting it out every single day, and there’s a chance that you only get to rent it once or twice a week.
Still on still, renting out your RV is a great way to make money passively.
And you can get paid up to $1,000 dollars to lease your RV if it’s really good, large sized, and clean. Some of the places to lease your RV include:
- Outdoorsy
- Camper Travel Bookings
- RVShare
- Cruise America
- El Monte RV
You’ll get more people offering to rent your RV for some good money if it’s in good shape and is still usable.
Best practice is to work on it and make sure it’s not dusty, or unusable.
How to Make $350 a Day: 10 Practically Working Ways – Final Words.
Now that you’ve seen them and you know they work, I’m sure you already know how much effort you might need to put in just to make a dime off them.
From renting your RV (which is not really any hard work), ride-sharing, blogging, affiliate marketing, app development, and ecommerce, to leasing your apartment on Airbnb, dropshipping crypto trading and building a YouTube channel, you’re either working upfront, letting something go for something, or educating yourself while you invest in a venture.
The odds of making $350 a day are high with all of these ideas.
Maybe higher with some of them that don’t give you a heart attack for your money (especially trading the crypto market).