If you want to learn how to make $5,000 a month working from home, this article is right for you. Right on this page, I’ll share some of the best ways to make money working from home.
And with these proven ways, you can make much more money than just $5,000 a month. However, these aren’t some of the ways to make money quickly from home. You can make money with them, but it takes time to get to $5k a month. You need to stay consistent, get things right, and ultimately, be creative.
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Here are 11 sure ways to make $5,000 a month working from home.
How to Make $5,000 a Month Working from Home: 11 Proven Ways
If you want to know how to make $5,000 a month working from home, then blogging is one of the few realistic ways this can happen. To make this money with a blog, and even more money, you’d have to start off the right way.
By sticking to a niche. There are basically 3 ways to build a blog from scratch to over $5k/month. And this blog you’re reading right now is adopting one of three ways. Firstly, pick a profitable niche. Secondly, brainstorm a good domain name unrelated to your niche.
And thirdly, focus on creating the best content while you make conscious efforts to build your blog’s ranking signals. The good thing about blogging is that you can do it from home, whenever you want, and design your blog in any way. When it comes to monetizing a blog, there’s a golden list of near endless ideas to capitalize on.
If you want to start blogging right now but you don’t know where to start from, right here is a blogging guide for complete beginners that I’ve put together for you.
On YouTube, you can watch videos and create videos. While watching videos won’t make you a dime, creating videos will. You can create a free account, then a free channel, and focus on a niche so that all your videos fall into one big niche category like health, environment, or relationship.
What’s selling fast on YouTube?
A lot is.
Take the steps of some really popular YouTube channel like ThatPedalShow, create tons of videos that are catchy and on par with quality to gain quick traction. Monetization comes easy with much traction. And you can see $5k/month in no time.
You’re good at writing codes and bringing things to life with codes?
Then you have a skill that can make you a lot of money.
Firstly, you can work as a freelance programmer and get remote jobs on Indeed.com, Fiverr, Toptal, Guru, and Upwork while you work from home. Secondly, you can create a software or a service online that grants permission after a $20 dollar subscription (monthly).
With just 300 subscribers/users, you make $6,000 every month. Meanwhile, the number of users will keep soaring if it’s really a great service/software with a large market demand to meet. More users will automatically equal more money.
Graphics Designing
Designing graphics is not something everybody can do. It’s not a skill everyone has. And for this reason, the people who can’t design graphics are willing to pay those who can. This is called selling your skill.
And if you’re great at designing graphics, you can work online from home to make $5k+ every single month of the year. Maybe your first few months into full-time graphics designing won’t pay well. But as you keep at it over the long haul, you can generate a full-time income off this hustle.
Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is one of many ways to make $5,000 a month working from home. As a freelance writer, you just need to hone your writing skills some more to get jobs. Since you’ll be working from the corners of your home, you can spend a whole lot of time finding the right jobs before you eventually get one.
This is a normal scene every new freelancer portrays a role in. But as you consistently work for clients, you develop a portfolio of freelance employers who’d want to work with you time and time again, especially if you get the job done every single time.
For the record, freelance writing can get you over $11k/month if you’re consistent, and really good. If you charge $0.2 per word as a freelance writer, that’s about $200 dollars per 1,000-word gig. You need 25 gigs of this kind to make $5k/month.
But if you charge higher, let’s say $0.5, then you get $500 per 1,000-word gig. You need 10 gigs like this to get to $5,000/month. To start writing for clients or to hunt for writing gigs, register for free on Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer.
Copywriting is a great skill to acquire if you want to make money from home. And as a copywriter, you can choose to work for any client of your choice. Whether it’s an individual client, or a brand client.
The thing is, copywriters get paid almost always more than normal writers. This is because their services directly impact the buying prospect of potential customers, and directly affects company performance. Hence, advertisers are willing to pay more for a better sweet-talking service encoded in texts and graphics.
It’s not all that easy to become a copywriter. There’s a learning curve, and you get good at it by writing and asking people what they think about it. Once you’re good at this, you can start finding gigs on Fiverr, Upwork, or Indeed.com.
Crypto Trading
While the crypto market turns out to be one of the most volatile markets online that you can trade, it’s also highly profitable if you know what you’re doing. Crypto assets aren’t centralized. They’re decentralized.
However, you can trade from your home, make money, make some losses (realistically), and keep maintaining a much higher win rate to make more money.
Do you have to pay to learn to trade?
No you don’t.
Right now, and thanks to YouTube, you can launch into any video streaming platform and watch hundreds of video tutorials on trading crypto currencies. You only get better with time, and practice.
Affiliate Marketing
One of the most realistic ways on how to make $5,000 a month working from home is affiliate marketing. This means getting paid a commission for every product you sell.
First off, you’ll need to register as an affiliate marketer for the products you want to promote, and then you can start promoting them using some of the top-notch affiliate marketing hacks.
If you’re good at affiliate marketing already, then you’d need to take it more seriously. If you’re a total newcomer, then take out the time to learn about it. You have more than enough resources on the internet to get started.
Stock Trading
Stock trading is a big thing online. It’s trading on the value of real-time real-life companies. The price and worth of their stocks fluctuates in real-time.
And this gives you the opportunity to buy into them and sell them when they put on an extra value. In the real sense, you can buy stocks and leave them to mature over the timespan of years. Or months if you don’t have the luxury of time to wait.
To make $5,000 a month working from home, you’d have to learn the basics of stock trading, understand candlestick patterns, buy courses if you have to, and understand the risk factors and how to counter them.
Consistent Podcasting
Podcasting is one thing that can make you money, make you famous, make you a name, and make you relevant. What we really care about in this post is the money.
To make money as a podcaster, you’ll need to start an audio blog. But then, podcasting in itself doesn’t reveal the identity of the host unless your audience knows your voice.
With this in mind, you may need to flood your audio blog with little writeups about yourself, about the blog, and also write a couple of interesting blog posts to fill up the audio blog. All of these will add up to the overall quality and conversion optimization of the audio blog.
If you’re consistently producing podcasts and you eventually start featuring big names, you could get famous. The point is, once you’re getting traction, you can monetize your audio blog and your podcasts to make a decent income of over $5,000/month.
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Social Media Content Creation
Working from home, there’s every possibility for you to make as much as $5,000 a month as a social media content creator. This time around you’re not capitalizing on YouTube to make money, you can get paid by TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter too for amazing a large follower base and for having millions of views on your videos. That aside, the most reliable way to get paid is by these social media giants.
But there’s another way to make a lot of money, and that’s by posting sponsored content for advertisers/brands. As a content creator, you must have a niche so as to attract the advertisers and product brands in that niche to work with you. And sponsor your content production flow.
Let’s say you’re an Instagram star who’s known for creating content about nature and the environment, with up to 10k followers, you can start getting offers to promote products, contents, and even more on your page for money. If you charge a minimum of $300 dollars for services like this, you just need about 17 offers like this in a month to get $5,000 dollars. Plus, some offers come with a lot of money.
And you can charge as high as $10,000 dollars per sponsored content offer based on the number of followers you have, and the niche you’re dominating. To grow a social media page from nothing to becoming a super user, consistency is a factor you should play strictly by.
Oh! And creativity too.
You’ve gotta be creative. Get the equipment you’ll need to make great content, and consistently do this.
How to Make $5,000 a Month Working from Home: 11 Proven Ways – Summary
In a bid to summarize everything you’ve probably read in the last couple of minutes, you can make $5,000 a month working from home by starting a blog, trading crypto, creating a podcasting channel, and growing a YouTube channel.
Other methods to make $5,000 a month working from home also encompass trading the stock market, affiliate marketing, designing graphics, copywriting, writing as a freelancer, and creating videos on social media (like Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook) on a consistent level.