How to Flip $20,000 Dollars in 12 Badass Realistic Ways

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How to Flip $20,000 Dollars

Do you want to learn how to flip $20,000 dollars? 

The methods that are applicable would work if you have even $100 dollars and you want to flip it. 

The same methods will work if you want to flip $1 million dollars. 

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Most of the methods will work. 

On this page, I’ll share with you some of the best ways to flip $20k, no BS. 

But at the end of the day, it’s all about how much risk you’re willing to take and how much you’re willing to learn. 

You can’t flip $20k right now because you don’t know some stuff and that’s why you’re on this page. 

That being noted, here are some methods you can explore to double $20k dollars in the real world. 

How to Flip $20,000 Dollars in 12 Badass Realistic Ways. 

1. Start a car detailing business. 

A car detailing business is a way to make money passively, and it’s quite expensive to start. 

But if you’re willing to invest your money, then it’s a good fit for a business with a grand plan to flip $20k (the initial capital you’re willing to invest). 

For the record, $20,000 dollars is enough money to start a car detailing business. 

A standard one, and you’ll also have enough money to promote it. 

While you can start a car detailing business from anywhere in the city, it’s best to pick locations that aren’t very remote. 

Starting off from the right location will save you future troubles of hammering on promotion just to get enough clients to stay in the profit zone. 

2. Launch a barbershop. 

If you’re a skilled barber, you can flip $20,000 dollars by launching your own barbershop. 

Whether you have the skill or not, you can start this business and have experts run it for you. 

But overall, it’s best to have an idea so that it’ll be easy for you to cover every space of the business (from service delivery; barbing clients – to performing administrative and accounting functions). 

In the long run, you’re going to recoup your capital and reap profits. 

People will always groom their hair. 

And if you can make them look like a celebrity or you run a business that can make them look 3× better than they did by grooming their hair, then you get to keep their cash. 

In this sense, you’re not just flipping $20k, you’re investing it for more money. 

If you decide to sell the business later on, it should put much more than $60k on your table depending on the patronage and monthly income. 

3. Crypto. 

If you want to flip $20,000 dollars fast, it’s possible by trading the crypto market. 

There’s really nothing much you can do to double $20,000 dollars fast, but there’s a lot you can do to double it in the long run. 

As for crypto, you can turn $20,000 into $40,000 dollars in a month or a week depending on your trading skills. 

So, if you’re a newbie and you don’t really know much about trading crypto, it’s a way to get rich quick. 

It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme or anything like that, but it requires you to have the skills to make the money fast. 


You’ll lose it fast. 

4. AdSense arbitrage. 

AdSense arbitrage is a way to flip $20,000 dollars, and it takes a few steps to make this work. 

The entire concept of AdSense arbitrage is to generate content that you can promote and monetize with Google AdSense to make more money than you would spend on promoting the content you created. 

So, firstly, this works with a blog. 

You’ll need to set up a blog and write good articles, usually over 1,000 words in length. 

Just about 40 of them with images will do. 

Afterwards, you can sign up for an AdSense account. 

Traditionally, you’ll need to drive traffic to your blog so that you can make money from the AdSense ads there. 

But your blog is new and it takes an average of 6 months to start seeing website traffic kick in (assuming you have quality content already). 

So, a way out is to drive traffic through paid promotion on Facebook and other social media platforms. 

There are different strategies to make this work though. 

But the foundation for success in AdSense arbitrage is to start off from the right niche. 

5. Flip houses.

Flipping houses is practically buying and selling houses with the intention to make a profit. 

So, you can start with $20,000 bucks but then you’ll need to keep doing this to make a profit. 

Your first house could be $10k to sell for $12. 

That’s a $2k profit. 

The second could be $15k to sell for $23k. 

That’s an $8k profit. 

The figures here are just exemplary. 

Your figures could be way different. 

And you could flip a house to keep a 50% profit off the sale. 

However, house flipping will require you to get conversant with some real estate vocabularies. 

There’s also paperwork to do and you’ll need to have your lawyer just in case. 

It’s a business and every other business policy will apply. 

6. Launch into asset rentals. 

Leasable assets are assets that you acquire to lease for money. 

So, you keep these assets, you maintain them but clients come in to lease them from time to time with a return time/date. 

Some examples of assets that fall into this category include lighting, chairs, tables, party equipment, musical instruments, construction equipment, and so on. 

They are the kind of equipment or assets that you can no longer make use of regularly once they’ve served a specific purpose for an event or a ceremony. 

What you do here to flip $20,000 dollars is to start a business like this and lease your equipment from time to time. 

You can promote your services online and let the world know about your equipment leasing business

In the long run, you’re going to make more money than you started with. It could take a while. 

7. Trade Forex. 

Forex trading is definitely one of my favorite things to do nowadays. 

It’s also a way for you to flip $20,000 dollars. 

But you can’t do this overnight especially if you’re not a good trader. 

Good traders will have a hard time flipping $20k overnight. 

And they’ll fail at this more than 100 times before getting the first $20k-overnight-flip success. 

However, good traders can flip $20,000 in the space of a week or a month. 

But some can really do this in a day by taking some HIGH RISK trades. 

The key is to learn before trading the forex market, and you should take out a small portion of this $20k to start a live trading account when you’re good enough to start trading live. 

You could flip $20,000 dollars but there’s really no need to have 100% of the money in a trading account. 

Start with $10k, keep $5k as a backup cash to purchase prop firm accounts. 

Let $5k cool off in your other wallets. 

Make sense? 

If you’re good, you can take $10k to $100k in a year

Or 12 months. 

8. Betting to make quick wins. 

Betting on sports is a way to flip $20,000 bucks, and if this is your life’s savings, then keep scrolling downwards. 

Sports betting is gambling in itself. 

There’s no clear-cut strategy to determine a win. 

At best, you’re predicting. 

But your predictions could go the right way. 

You could hit a jackpot with your predictions. 

And this can happen especially when you know exactly the game and the players you’re betting on. 

There’s a possibility for you to make really bad predictions without base, and you can also make informed predictions knowledge-based. 

9. Dropshipping.

Drop-shipping is easy work – you create a store and import products to the store from another supplier (a real ecommerce store like AliExpress or Amazon). 

It’s a way to flip $20,000 dollars and you don’t need 1% of this money to start drop-shipping right now. 

However, there are strategies to launch a successful drop-shipping business off the ground. 

You’ll need to treat it like a business, and this means taking every detail into record. 

First, there are products you should never drop-ship

There are also viable products for drop-shipping that guarantee the best results. 

So, there’s a bunch to learn before going into the drop-shipping world. 

It’s passive income too, so, take out the time to grasp it. 

10. E-commerce. 

E-commerce unlike drop-shipping (which is partly e-commerce) means you need to be the supplier of the product – you’ll need to have an inventory if you’re dealing with physical products with weight/matter. 

So, it’s a game changer, and you’re definitely going to make more money than drop-shippers. 

However, I’ll recommend that you stick to digital e-commerce; dealing with digital products rather than physical products – the challenges and complaints may be too much for you to handle and you might have an overwhelming refund/return order from clients. 

This happens with the big e-commerce companies. 

So, if you want to flip $20,000 dollars, consider creating a digital product and selling through an ecommerce platform of your own. 

11. Buy a car for ride-sharing.

This is insane because nobody really thinks about buying a car for the purpose of ride-sharing. 

Maybe they do. 

But it’s a realistic way to flip $20k dollars. 

You’re not going to buy a Lamborghini for ride-sharing. 

That’ll be the aftermath of a psychological disorder. 

With $20,000 dollars, you can buy some really good cars like a used Honda Accord. 

You’re not going to spend everything on the car though, maybe 15% of the entire cash can go into vehicle acquisition and maintenance. 

The car is an asset. 

And from time to time, you’ll work with ride-sharing companies to generate your capital and then start generating profits. 

In the US, it’s possible to make an average of $19.16 driving for Uber

If we convert this into hours, that’s $196 dollars in 10 hours. 

Now, this could be more as every trip doesn’t make you the same money.

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12. Create & scale your own product. 

If you want to flip $20,000 dollars, then create a digital product. 

There’s a 90% chance that you’re going to generate more than 10× of whatever you spend creating a digital product in the long run. 

With $20,000 dollars, you could develop a web tool, create a simple mobile app or a digital course. 

Developing or creating the digital product is one part, promoting it to reach the right target audience is the real deal. 

But everything can be enveloped with $20k in your account right now. 

You’ll need to determine the cost of creating the digital product first before thinking about marketing. 

And since you have $20k, you’re bound to spend more than 30% on developing just so you have more money to push the product to the market. 

How to Flip $20,000 Dollars in 12 Badass Realistic Ways – Final Words. 

Flipping $20,000 dollars to make more money can happen in different ways. 

Some of the most realistic ways include creating and scaling your own product, buying a vehicle for ride-sharing, doing e-commerce, drop-shipping, car detailing, barbering, trading crypto, scaling AdSense arbitrage, house flipping, acquire rentable equipment, trade the forex market, and betting online and offline to make more money. 

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