How to Make $350 a Week: 9 Approved Methods

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How to Make $350 a Week

Do you want to learn the best ways on how to make $350 a week? 

First of all, it’s possible and you’re on the right page. And you’re not alone either. Making $350 a week can happen in many ways but it depends on how much effort you’re willing to put in to see things become a reality for you. 

Making the first move to do something is all that matters in the beginning. Baby steps. 

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And here are 9 verified methods to make $350+ dollars a week (and trust me, you could make more). 

How to Make $350 a Week: 9 Approved Methods

Freelance Writing 

If you want to make $350 a week, one of the many things you should consider doing right now is freelance writing. For sure, there’s a possibility to make more than $350 a week as a freelance writer. 

But this will depend on your writing skill, how often you search for freelance gigs and the kind of gigs you apply to get. 

With the influx of freelance writers on the internet, it’s a tough challenge to get freelance gigs especially when there are hundreds and even thousands of professionals looking for the same writing gigs that you’re looking for and applying for. 

As a freelance writer, you can charge anywhere from $0.02 to $1 or $2 dollars per word. If it’s at $0.02, then you’ll make $20 dollars for 1,000 words of content that you write. 

But then, if you’re charging $1 dollars, that’s $1k for 1,000 words of content that you write. It’s all about your level of expertise and your portfolio. If you want to get started right now as a freelance writer, simply sign up on websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or the Problogger network. 

You’ll find freelance writing gigs on these platforms and other freelance marketplaces


Programming is one of the many skills I wish I had. It’s not too late for me to acquire the skill now, but then that’ll be a lot of work on my path. The point is, programming is definitely one of the ways to make $350 dollars in a week. There are different ways to make some really good money as a programmer. 

Some of the best ways include writing a course on programming or creating a course about programming, helping out employees online as a freelance programmer and starting a programming academy to teach people about programming. 

Every one of these ideas to make money as a programmer will work excellently for you if you’re really good at programming. 

Plus, there are other ways to make money as a programmer, but the ones I mentioned are definitely some of the juiciest. 


Blogging has transformed from a simple hobby to a full-fledged career for countless individuals. It presents an excellent platform to share your passions and expertise while simultaneously earning a substantial income. 

To embark on this journey, start by selecting a niche you are truly passionate about – something you can write about consistently. It could be anything from travel and food to technology or personal finance.

The next step is to create high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Address their pain points, answer their questions, and provide solutions. 

As your blog grows in popularity and attracts more visitors, you can monetize it through various means, including:

  • Ads: Join ad networks like Google AdSense to display ads on your blog. You earn money based on the number of ad impressions or clicks.
  • Sponsored Content: Collaborate with brands and write sponsored posts or reviews in exchange for payment.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services relevant to your niche and earn a commission for every sale made through your affiliate links.

Building a successful blog takes time and dedication, but with consistent effort, you can steadily increase your earnings.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another powerful way to generate income online. 

It involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral. To get started:

  • Research and join affiliate programs related to your niche or interests.
  • Select products or services you genuinely believe in and that align with your audience’s needs.
  • Incorporate affiliate links strategically into your blog content, social media posts, or email newsletters.

Over time, as your audience trusts your recommendations, you can generate a reliable stream of income through affiliate marketing. 

Remember to disclose your affiliate relationships to maintain transparency with your audience.


Video content has become increasingly popular, with YouTube being the go-to platform for video creators. If you’re passionate about a particular niche and enjoy creating engaging videos, YouTube could be your ticket to earning $350 a week or more.

Start by identifying your niche and conducting keyword research to discover popular topics in that field. Create high-quality, informative, or entertaining videos that cater to your target audience’s interests. 

As you gain subscribers and views, you can monetize your YouTube channel through:

  • Ads: Enable ads on your videos and earn money based on ad impressions and clicks.
  • Sponsored Content: Partner with brands to create sponsored videos or product reviews.
  • Merchandise: If you have a loyal fanbase, consider selling branded merchandise to your audience.

Growing a successful YouTube channel takes time and consistency, but the potential for substantial earnings is real.

Graphics Designing

If you possess graphic design skills, there’s a thriving market waiting for your expertise. Freelance graphic design work offers you the flexibility to work on projects that interest you while earning a substantial income.

To kickstart your career in graphics designing:

  • Create an online portfolio showcasing your best work.
  • Sign up for freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr.
  • Set competitive pricing while considering the complexity of each project.
  • Apply for relevant design jobs and consistently deliver high-quality work.

As you accumulate positive reviews and build a strong portfolio, you’ll attract more clients and secure regular graphic design projects, ultimately boosting your earnings.


Copywriting is a great writing skill. With this skill, you’ll be able to convince people to buy products of any kind. In general, copywriters create compelling content in promotion of a particular product or brand. 

Plus, these highly intelligent people work hand-in-hand with product manufacturers and product advertisers. 

They create compelling captions, product descriptions, and other forms of promotional content targeted towards increasing sales or conversion. If you have this skill, you can definitely make $350 a week by working online as a freelance copywriter primarily. 

Other ways to make $350 a week as a copywriting expert or as a good copywriter include creating a course about copywriting and building a platform (like a blog or a YouTube channel) to educate people about copywriting.

Lawn Mowing

Mowing lawns can be fun sometimes. But most of the time it’s boring and tedious. However, this is definitely one of the most realistic ways to make $350 a week. Start by learning how to mow lawns, and then find lawn mowing gigs in your city or your area. 

As a good or a professional lawn mower, you can earn anywhere from $30 to $70 bucks per hour. The more hours you work, the more money you’ll make. 

But ultimately, the more lawn mowing gigs you’re able to do in a week, that’s all the more money you’ll make. This isn’t a very complicated activity to learn. And you can pick up this skill as a side hustle for extra income.

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Gutter Cleaning 

Cleaning gutters might not sound like the most glamorous job out there, but it’s far from bizarre. In fact, many individuals have turned it into a lucrative source of income. 

The potential earnings for each gutter cleaning gig can range from a solid $170 to a promising $200 or more. That’s right; this seemingly mundane task can be a gateway to financial success if you know how to seize the opportunities.

To make a substantial income from gutter cleaning, it’s crucial to have a strategy in place. The key is to consistently source gutter cleaning gigs in your local area. 

Here’s how you can turn this chore into a profitable venture:

  • Build Your Reputation: First and foremost, establish yourself as a reliable and skilled gutter cleaner. Quality work and professionalism will earn you positive reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations. As your reputation grows, more clients will seek your services.
  • Marketing and Networking: Spread the word about your gutter cleaning services through various channels. Create a website or use social media platforms to showcase your work and connect with potential clients. Attend local events and network within your community to expand your client base.
  • Offer Competitive Pricing: Research the market to determine competitive pricing for gutter cleaning services in your area. Pricing your services competitively will attract more clients, especially if you offer value-added services like minor repairs or debris removal.
  • Consistent Gutter Cleaning Gigs: Now, let’s talk numbers. If you manage to secure just two gutter cleaning gigs in a week, you’d already be on track to make more than $350 in that week alone. Imagine the potential if you can consistently secure more gigs or upsell additional services.
  • Seasonal Opportunities: Gutter cleaning is often a seasonal job, with high demand in the fall when leaves clog gutters. Capitalize on these seasonal peaks by offering special promotions or discounts to attract more clients during peak cleaning periods.
  • Expand Your Services: Consider diversifying your services to include roof cleaning, pressure washing, or other related tasks. Offering a broader range of services can increase your earning potential and make you a one-stop solution for homeowners.
  • Invest in Property Equipment: Investing in the right tools and equipment can make your job easier and more efficient, allowing you to take on more gigs and increase your income.

Gutter cleaning is a legitimate and potentially profitable job opportunity. By consistently sourcing gutter cleaning gigs, providing excellent service, and actively marketing your services, you can turn this seemingly ordinary task into a source of substantial income. 

With dedication and a strategic approach, you have the potential to make a comfortable living from cleaning gutters in your city, and $350 a week can become just the beginning of your financial success. 

How to Make $350 a Week: 9 Approved Methods – Summary 

In sum, some of the realistic ways on how to make $350 a week include lawn mowing, gutter cleaning, copywriting, freelance writing, blogging, programming, affiliate marketing, graphics designing, and starting a YouTube channel. 

However, you want to start with just one or two of them that you can shoulder – they’ve got to be the ones that you’re already good at or you at least have an idea on. Focusing on those that guarantee passive income will be a better win for you in the long haul.