How to Make $800 in 2 Weeks: 10 Realistic Hacks

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How to Make $800 in 2 Weeks

You’ve got 2 weeks to make $800 dollars, how would you do about this and what are the methods you’ll adopt to make $800 bucks in 2 weeks? 

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Well, whether you’re on a quest or not, this blog post shares some of the best ways making $800 in 14 days is possible. 

With these methods, you can make much more money than what you’re looking for right now. 

Let’s dive in. 

How to Make $800 in 2 Weeks: 10 Realistic Hacks. 

1. Blogging.

Blogging is one of the ways on how to make $800 in 2 weeks. 

You start by launching your own blog, then you write some really good articles with SEO and users in mind. 

Blogging is a lot different from just writing. 

There’s a lot you’ll need to learn along the way to become a successful blogger, and one of them is digital marketing (particularly SEO). 

As a newbie blogger, making money will definitely take some time. 

And you can start seeing some earnings if you’re consistent and you’re able to monetize your blog smartly. 

While blogging is a way to generate passive income online, you can make $800 in 2 weeks or $1,600 dollars a month through consistency over the long haul. 

If you don’t have a blog already, the best time for you to get started with a blog of your own is now. 

And you can click here to start blogging

2. Mow lawns. 

Lawn mowing is another really great way to generate income of up to $800 bucks in 2 weeks. 

It takes a lot of effort as mowing lawns can be tedious. 

If you already know what this is and how to do it pretty well, then you can get gigs online through a simple Google search. 

In the United States, the average per hour earnings of a lawn mower is anywhere from $30 to $70 dollars. 

So, based on your expertise, you can earn anywhere from $30 to $70 as a lawn mower. 

There’s a possibility for you to earn more if you’re lucky enough to get mega projects. 

3. Gutter cleaning. 

Cleaning gutters is a thing you can do in the US to make a lot of money up to $800 in 2 weeks. 

You start by getting the necessary equipment for cleaning gutters and roofs. 

Once you have the equipment, you can start searching for gigs online. 

Gutter cleaning can be a side hustle or a full-time job depending on how you take it. 

If you take it as a full-time job, you’re definitely going to earn more money. 

If you take it as a side hustle, you’re going to earn more (traditionally). 

On average, you can make up to $150/gig as a gutter cleaner. 

Although it’s not one of the gigs that can generate up to $10k or $20k or $50k a month for you, it can take you to $800 in 2 weeks. 

4. Sell printables online. 

Do you know you can make a full-time living from selling printables online? 

Yes, you can. 

And one of the ways to do this is to create them and list them on platforms like Etsy. 

There’s a learning curve to doing this successfully, and you just need to get the grasp of things. 

Right now, tons of people online generate passive income of up to $3,000 dollars a month from selling printables. 

There’s every need to know how to make printables, know the kind of printables people buy and the best places (other than Etsy) to sell your printables on. 

You have the option to do this full-time or as a side hustle. 

Even as a side hustle, it’s super possible to make sales of up to $1,600 in a month. 

5. Flip items online. 

Flipping items online is another way for you to make $800 in two weeks. 

Firstly, you have to find items that are good and sellable on thrift stores and flea markets. 

Once you’ve gotten them, you can move on to resell them online on the Facebook marketplace, ThredUp, Poshmark, Depop, Amazon, or Etsy. 

The entire idea around flipping items online is to buy items cheap from physical stores and resell them at a moderate price (higher than the initial price you acquired them at) for profit. 

Once you’re able to master the process of buying good and cheap items and reselling them with a high profit margin, then you can do this over and over again to make more money. 

Plus, you’ll need to have some money to actually tap into this business model. 

It’s not free to get started. 

You invest and then you’re getting returns from the sales of the products you bought at a cheap rate. 

6. Photography. 

Photography is a way to capture nature in its random and purest form. 

But how exactly can you make $800 in 2 weeks as a photographer? 

By anchoring events of course. 

You can anchor events and get paid as the official photographer of the event. 

Start by searching for photography gigs online and the upcoming events in your city. 

You can reach out to the organizers of the event and let them know you’d like to be their official inhouse photographer if they don’t have one already. 

Secondly and most importantly, you can make money off your photography skill and career by launching a medium to teach people about photography. 

This medium can be a blog, a social media channel or a video channel on YouTube that you can monetize in different ways. 

7. Ride-hailing. 

For me, this is one of the most realistic methods to make $800 in 2 weeks if you have a car. 

Yes, there’s a catch. 

You’ll need to have a car of your own to actually participate in ride-sharing to make money. 

So, basically you’ll be driving around the city from one destination to another; picking up and dropping off passengers all day long. 

One way to make more money with ride-sharing is the obvious way; working for longer hours. 

The longer you work as a driver for ride-sharing services in the US like Uber and Lyft, the more money you’re definitely going to make. 

Plus, you can work for multiple ride-sharing services to get the best gigs at every instance. 

8. Lease your apartment.

Leasing your apartment is a profitable deal if you have a place to pass the night at. 

But if your apartment is all you’ve got, you can squat with a friend for the night while your apartment is on lease. 

Apartment leasing is a great way to make money especially as Airbnb makes it super easy to put your apartment in the front of potential clients. 

Depending on factors like the location of your apartment and the degree of luxury it’s got, clients can pay anywhere from $30 dollars to $3,500 dollars per night. 

Earnings can be more or less depending on these factors (for real). 

I’m not saying you’re going to get paid instantly for listing your apartment on Airbnb. 

There are different techniques to attract potential clients on the platform, and there’s also a need to learn how to list your apartment on Airbnb before taking the next move. 

You can get really lucky to meet clients willing to lease your apartment for a week or more and they pay you everything at the go once they check-in. 

9. Proofreading. 

If you can read and pick out the errors from documents, then you can work from home as a freelance proofreader to make $800 dollars in two weeks or 14 days. 

This is a reality as there are clients online looking to pay you for your services as a proofreader. 

You’re not going to work for them as a permanent staff member. 

Rather, you’re working remotely and you can work for multiple clients simultaneously from home. 

The challenge with proofreading is that there are a lot of proofreaders on freelancing websites like Fiverr and Upwork. 

You’ll need to be consistent and proactive to get gigs.

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10. Animation. 

If you have the skill to create motion pictures or animations, then you can work from home for clients online as a freelancer. 

It’s a skill that’s high in demand, and people are willing to pay a lot of money to very experienced motion picture creators. 

So, if you’re good at this, you can easily become a freelancer and find gigs on Upwork, Indeed, LinkedIn, Freelancer, and Fiverr. 

Making use of Indeed and LinkedIn (and Craigslist too), you can get really high paying (remote) jobs. 

Working as a freelancer is just one of many ways to make money as a motion picture designer. And this can get you to $800/2 weeks. 

How to Make $800 in 2 Weeks: 10 Realistic Hacks – Final Words. 

In conclusion, some of the most realistic methods to make $800 in 2 weeks include blogging, mowing lawns, making animations, proofreading, leasing your apartment, photography, ride-sharing, selling printables online, flipping items online, and gutter cleaning. 

Whichever method you choose to capitalize on, you can definitely generate more than $800 in 2 weeks or $1,600/month

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