Making $500,000 in 5 years is realistic and I’ll go straight to the point with this content.
So, if you want to make up to $500k in 5 years, this means that you need to figure out some ways to make $100k every year.
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Heck, I’ve let out some strategies to making up to $100k per month before on this blog, but this is a different article and some of the methods here are reiterated from this blog post right here.
With that said, you can make $500k in 5 years or in 1 year, and it totally depends on what you really want and how you want it.
Here are 13 guaranteed methods to make $500,000 dollars in the space of 5 years.
How to Make $500,000 in 5 Years: 13 Guaranteed Hacks that Work.
1. Invest in stocks.
If you want to make $500,000 in 5 years and you’re serious about it, then investing in the stock market is definitely one of the many ways to make this happen.
You just need to understand that there are good stocks and bad stocks.
The good stocks are the best kinds of stocks that have a propensity to grow and appreciate in price and value in the coming months or years.
The bad stocks are the kind of stocks that have made no significant increase in price or value for years and they have no tendency to boom in future.
So, you only want to invest in the good stocks and you can know them with a simple Google search or by asking an investment expert.
2. Start blogging.
It’s possible to make $500,000 dollars in 5 years with a blog.
Some bloggers have made more than this in a few years after starting their own blog.
Other bloggers generate up to $500k in a year.
A list of bloggers who have made over $500,000 dollars in 5 years include:
- Jon Dykstra (Fat Stacks Blog & my role model)
- Adam Enfroy (Adam Enfroy)
- Tom Blake (This Online World)
- Summit Sanbal (Craft of Blogging)
- Jon Morrow (Smart Blogger)
So, if you want to make so much money in 5 years, starting a blog is definitely one of the ways to get to $500k.
Plus, the income you generate from your blog will be passive income primarily.
And the income holds much tendency to balloon month after month.
With one month, you can hit $11k dollars and the next month it’s $13,500 and so on.
If you don’t have a blog already, start now. Click here to set up your money blog.
3. Invest in crypto.
Investing in crypto is also another way for you to make $500,000 in 5 years.
Firstly, you pick the best crypto assets to invest in.
You can invest in shit coins or alt coins that aren’t shit coins.
Or invest in the all popular Bitcoin with high hopes.
Right now, the Big B (Bitcoin) is below $30k dollars.
You’ll need a lot of money to invest in Bitcoin with the hopes of getting $500k in 5 years.
So, if you don’t have up to $100k to put into Bitcoin, invest in other shit coins or alt coins that can boom more than 2,000% in the future.
Choose only the best shit/alt coins to invest in.
Some of them are just not worth it and you could lose your entire investment portfolio (with the wrong investment decision).
4. Launch an online publishing business.
An online publishing business is a great approach to generate $500k in 5 years.
It’s very possible to hit this figure in 5 years, and you need to launch a company that spills content every single hour.
A kind of publishing business you can start is something like Buzzfeed or HowStuffWorks.
These are great publishing companies.
You can also launch a news/media company.
All of this will be expensive in whichever way you want to start out.
You need writers and editors and publishers, and this is the only way your publishing business can gain a foothold in the very first year.
5. Get active on social media.
In a bid to build fame and monetize your presence on social media so that you can make up to $500k in 5 years, you’ll need to get active.
This would mean consistently putting up captivating and engaging content online.
One place to hit the limelight with ease if you’re keen with a consistent content upload calendar is TikTok.
You can make so much money on TikTok now especially with the in-built store for creators.
So, by the time you’re an influencer on TikTok, you can monetize your fame by promoting affiliate products, posting sponsored content for brand advertisers, selling your own products, and Tiktok will also pay you for your video views.
6. Do affiliate marketing.
I love affiliate marketing.
But I’m not a rogue affiliate marketer, and I don’t like doing it because of something I have on my chest right now; this blog.
While I’m blogging here, I’m too busy with other things in my life right now to do affiliate marketing or other side hustles other than blogging, barbering, and trading the financial markets.
Moving on (and that was by the way), affiliate marketing is one of the ways you can make $500,000 dollars in 5 years.
Even if you live on Mars, you can make money through affiliate marketing if you have internet connection and a laptop.
That’s all you need.
Most importantly, understand what affiliate marketing is and how to do it best.
7. Trade online markets.
Online markets are also known as financial markets.
You can trade them to make money, and a lot of money.
Some of these financial markets include the crypto market, forex market, and the stock market.
Firstly, you’ll need to learn to trade the financial markets before you can make a dime off them.
If you’re not good at trading, you’re going to make nothing.
Since you’re looking at making $500,000 in 5 years, you can dedicate 1 year to learning and practicing while working on another side hustle to generate passive income.
With that income, you can fuel your trading account when you’re ready to trade a real account either in the forex, crypto, or the stock market (or other financial markets).
It’s very possible to make up to $500k in a year or in 5 years, you just need to be really good as a trader first.
8. Do real estate.
If you must do real estate, you’ll need to have money to begin with.
Real estate in this case is flipping houses to make a profit.
You buy one house and resell it to make money.
So, for instance you can buy a property for $10k and resell it for $13k or $15k.
You get a profit from the deal.
The challenge is that it can take a while to get buyers for properties in your portfolio.
So, if you have a couple thousand dollars, you can start with real estate right away; beginning with flipping houses for profit.
In 5 years, you’d be able to make $500k from profits and this is assuming you level up and you start flipping properties worth more than a few ten thousand dollars.
9. Open a YouTube channel.
Maybe you don’t know this, but YouTube can make you a millionaire.
It depends on your creativity and your ability to create some of the most captivating, engaging and quality videos in your chosen niche.
You start by choosing a niche and making videos that people actually want to watch in that niche.
You can answer questions through videos, create a list of the best products (which is a good sweetener for affiliate opportunities), and also review products of events through your videos.
Overall, put up the best content.
Maybe you won’t make $500k in your first year or second year.
But it can happen in your 3rd, 4th or even the 5th year if you work resiliently on your YouTube channel.
10. Do Amazon FBA.
Amazon FBA is a program arranged and managed by Amazon.
It’s also a medium for Amazon and everyday users like you and I to make money.
Everything about Amazon FBA is buying and selling.
Buying cheap and selling high or moderately.
But then, there are some products that aren’t good for this kind of a business model.
Meanwhile, there are other products out there that you can buy cheap and sell with a high profit margin using the Amazon FBA platform.
The success of your Amazon FBA hustle will depend on the products you transact.
However, making up to $500k in the space of 5 years is very realistic with Amazon FBA.
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11. Start drop-shipping.
Drop-shipping is all about selling products online. Firstly, you launch an online store similar to an ecommerce store and then you connect that store to another e-commerce store (which in this case would be the supplier).
Drop-shipping isn’t for everyone; it’s for you if you’re willing to learn about it and you’re willing to stay patient and consistent.
You’ll consistently find the best products that can be drop-shipped with a high profit margin and also find the best e-commerce suppliers to work with.
It’s really nothing difficult, and everything happens online.
For the record, drop-shipping is one of the most realistic ways on how to make $500,000 in 5 years.
How to Make $500,000 in 5 Years: 13 Guaranteed Hacks that Work – Final Words.
Still wondering how to make $500,000 in 5 years, some of the methods that work include starting a drop-shipping business online, Amazon FBA (large scale), launching your online clothing business, and YouTube channel content creation.
Other ideas include investing in the stock market, blogging (the right way), buying shit coins and penny stocks, investing in the crypto market, starting your own online publishing business, becoming a social media influencer, affiliate marketing, real estate, and trading online markets.
Stick with one.