If you’re like me, which means you love working from home.
And if you love working from home, you want to make even more money regardless of the fact that you could be working in your boxers (just like I do occasionally).
So, if you want to learn how to make $700 a week from home, I’ve got your back and this article is just right for you.
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Making $700 a week from home translates to around $2,800 dollars a month.
And this doesn’t mean you’ll stay home doing nothing.
You’d be working around the clock just to set things on the go especially if you’re starting a hustle or home-based business from scratch.
That said, here are 17 $mart and real methods to make $700 a week working from home.
How to Make $700 a Week from Home: 17 Smart & Real Methods.
1. Blogging.
While there are many ways to make $700 a week from home, blogging is one of my favorites because that’s what I do (mostly nowadays in my cubicle).
I write my life out.
Kidding though.
But I write my life out.
Still kidding.
On a more serious note, you can start a blog and take it from nowhere to $2,800 dollars a month (or $700/week).
This however isn’t going to happen in just one day or one week.
Or your first month.
It takes a couple of months and sometimes, years to make money blogging.
And when I say make money blogging, I mean over $1,000 dollars a month.
It takes time.
But then, the figure mostly balloons from month to month.
So, if you’re making $1k this month, it could be $1,500 the next month, and $2,200 the upper month as long as you keep working to improve your traffic levels on the blog.
Traditionally, the more traffic you have on a blog, the more money it’s going to make especially if you’re monetizing using ad networks.
Moving back to the main point, blogging is one of the real ways to make $700 a week from home.
It’s cheap to start, and the best time to get started if you haven’t already, is now.
A lot of benefits come with running a blog – you get to share your knowledge with the world, make passive income, establish a name for yourself in a niche as an authority, and build a platform you can harness anytime for different commercial purposes.
Blogging usually takes the top spot in most of my articles and that’s because it can generate enough money to make you a millionaire.
Yes, you can literally make over $1m a month blogging.
By this time you’d have a team of writers and editors anchoring different aspects of the blog for you.
So, the million dollar question is, are you ready to start blogging today? Click here to get started.
2. Podcasting.
Podcasting means putting yourself out there for the public to get to know you for what you do.
Basically, podcasters are popular people and they make a lot of money.
Along the line, there are some skills you’ll pick up to launch a successful podcasting career – you’ll need these skills to create, publish, promote and monetize your content as a podcaster.
You also don’t need to leave your home to start podcasting.
You just need to pick a niche, particularly within the lifestyle space, and create podcasts around that niche.
It’s also easy to monetize your content now as a podcaster with the help of platforms like YouTube and Rumble (rolling in).
There’s also Twitch just in case you want to stream your podcasts live before publishing them elsewhere.
For the record, you can make $700 bucks a week or $2,800 a month from home doing this.
But it doesn’t happen overnight.
When you get into the system, you can calculate how long it’ll take you to make whatever you want to make working from home.
3. Affiliate marketing.
With affiliate marketing, it’s possible to build an empire generating tons of money from nothing. Yes, it is and this isn’t just another bluff.
If you already have an idea what affiliate marketing is, then you’re definitely going to understand how this is possible.
You first sign up to become an affiliate marketer for a product or for multiple products, and then you start promoting these products.
For every sale you generate, you earn a commission.
And the commission varies depending on the rate and cost of the product sold.
There are basically two types of commissions – the fixed rate, and the percentage rate.
The fixed rate means you get paid a certain amount regardless of the cost of the product sold.
The percentage rate means you earn commissions based on a specific percentage regardless of the price of the product sold.
So, with the fixed rate, you get paid, for example, $50 dollars whether you sell a product worth $100 or $300.
The commission is fixed.
On the other hand, if the commission is based on percentage, you get the commission percentage of the cost of the product sold.
If you sell a product worth $400 dollars with a 10% commission rate, you get $40 in commission earnings.
If you sell a $230 worth product with the same commission rate, you get $23 dollars (10% of $230).
Moving on, you’ll need to understand exactly how affiliate marketing works and how to make tons of money doing it from home.
Plus, having a website of your own will also ease the entire process of making money with affiliate marketing from home.
This is because a lot of companies hosting these affiliate programs want you to have a website before applying to roll with them or to become a member of their affiliate program.
If you want to make $700 a week from home, affiliate marketing is one road to hike.
But you can take this same road to $7,000 dollars a month.
And even more.
4. Freelance writing.
Writing as a freelancer is definitely one way to make money and it could be the cheapest money making hack on this list right now.
This is because you don’t need to invest any money to get started and all you need is a polished writing skill.
If you’re a better writer than I am, then you should do just fine as a freelance writer.
Going forward, freelance writing can generate a lot of money for you but it’s not passive – you get to work for people on the internet.
And these are people willing to pay you once you’re able to get the job done for them.
To get started as a freelance writer, check out job boards for remote writing jobs and peruse through freelance marketplaces like Upwork to get high paying gigs.
The more you write for clients as a freelance writer, the more clients you’ll have working with you, and this means more money.
5. Proofreading.
Proofreading can be a boring task sometimes, but fortunately (or unfortunately), it joins the list of the best ways you can make $700 bucks a week from home.
Or $2,800/month.
However, I must warn you that proofreading isn’t a skill that can make you rich.
It could if you’re excellently good at it and you take it up as a full-time gig while you promote your business.
But if you’re not willing to go this far as a proofreader, then making a couple thousand dollars a month as a freelance proofreader is just cool and attainable.
Another very realistic but effective way to make passive income (much more than $2,800/month) as a proofreader is to create a digital product about proofreading and delve into other digital areas like drop-shipping and e-commerce.
The digital product will generate passive income (of up to $5k/month) with all things done right, and drop-shipping/e-commerce will definitely make you more money if you get things right.
And by getting things right, I mean understanding the best ways to make both digital product sales and drop-shipping/e-commerce work.
6. Programming.
Programming is a skill that I love so much.
I made attempts to learn it but I could for many reasons; the first being that I had zero access to tools made easily available on the web today.
Moving on, programming is one of the best ways on how to make $700 a week whether you’re working from home or you choose to be a digital nomad working from anything you want to.
Making money as a programmer is easy because a boatload of people are willing to pay you lots of cash for your services (if you’re good at programming).
You can start by creating a profile on freelance marketplaces like Craigslist and Upwork, and then look for freelance gigs that match your skill.
Don’t be surprised, it’s possible to get a single gig paying $3,000+ bucks.
It just depends on the nature of the project and your expertise (which should be replicated in your freelance programming portfolio).
7. SMPM.
SMPM is the short for social media presence monetization.
I coined it, and it means monetizing your social media presence.
This works only if you’re an influencer on social media.
If you’re not an influencer, there’s no audience to milk for cash and there’s no advertisers to attract.
So, if you’re an influencer on social media, you can easily make up to $700 a week working from home.
By promoting products – affiliate products – and by working with advertisers to promote sponsored content on your page.
Another idea that could shoot your income into 6 figures a year is selling a digital product of your own.
Since you’re an influencer, you already have the market to sell to.
8. Course sales.
Selling courses is a digital business that can generate more than $10,000 a month for you in passive income.
You create a quality course and put it out there for people to buy.
You’re going to make more instantly if you already have a fanbase or an audience online.
But without a fanbase or an audience online, you can promote your course with the right copies on social media and search engines to attract potential buyers.
When it comes to promoting a digital product, there’s more to it than just paying for traffic or exposure.
There are different strategies like keyword targeting and paid search optimization to enhance the overall performance of your promotion campaign.
Back to base, creating a good course that’s rich in content and quality can change the quality of your life by generating more money than you can dream of.
And you don’t have to code or do any design yourself – tools like Thinkific make the entire course creation an easy work-through.
You just need to provide the quality content.
9. Ghostwriting.
Ghostwriting is a different ballgame from writing.
And this means writing for ghosts.
No, just kidding.
It means writing on behalf of authors who have a dedicated readership.
So, you’ll have to write in the style and the voice of these authors.
This is possible because you’d have to train yourself to the point where you’re good at writing in any voice and any style.
The word is a prolific writer.
Yeah, you have to become a prolific writer to make money as a ghostwriter.
For the record, ghostwriting can earn you more than $700 dollars in a week working from home.
You don’t leave the four corners of your home to make this work.
With a simple search for ghostwriting gigs online, you’ll get a ton of submissions to apply to.
10. YouTube.
YouTube is owned by Google and it’s the second biggest search engine on the internet right now.
The thing is, YouTube has made a lot of people rich.
And this can be your story too.
By creating simple YouTube channels and uploading videos consistently.
You need to enjoy the process to grow fast on YouTube.
This would mean enjoying making videos that are interesting, videos people want to watch or videos answering the questions people ask (interestingly).
If you’re asking, opening and growing a YouTube channel is one of ways on how to make $700 a week from home.
You could make so much more money, and you just need to play the game of consistency.
11. Onlyfans modeling.
The OF website is known for explicit content, but whether you plan on going explicit or not, you can make $700 a week from home and make so much money.
If you want to take the explicit path, it’s not a norm but you’ll get more subscribers and you’ll get them faster.
Onlyfans however is a subscription based website for content creators.
People can only access your content on the platform if they’ve subscribed to your network on Onlyfans.
So, just like Twitch, the more subscribers you have, the more money you stand to make.
12. Graphics designing.
I love beautiful designs and I love to see them created.
That withstanding, you can make $700 a week from home if you’ve got the skill to design graphics.
Search for gigs online and work for freelance employers from home.
You don’t need to sign up to get started and you definitely don’t need any money to start making money as a graphics designer.
The catch here is for you to be good at what you do and for you to be willing to find remote jobs and freelance gigs.
There’s a boatload of freelance marketplaces to search on, but my top picks are Upwork, 99designs, Toptal, and Fiverr.
For remote graphics designing jobs, you can search through the archives of Indeed, Craigslist and job boards dominant in your city.
13. Stock trading.
Stock is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly on the internet.
It’s risky, and you’ll need to invest money there to make money.
However, it’s also one of the fastest ways to lose money – if you’re anxious and desperate without the experience and knowledge to make trading a profitable more than an unprofitable one.
You’ll often hear people say stock trading (alongside forex trading which I’ll talk about later down this post) is gambling.
It is if you gamble your way in the market.
But then, it’s a real home-based business if you take out the time to learn about it before opening a stock trading account.
That said, stock trading is a way to make $700 a week from home.
You could make this in a day too depending on your trading perspicacity.
14. Sell printables.
Do you know you can sell printables on the internet to make money?
Yes, you don’t have to leave your home to make this work, and there’s a learning curve to it too.
You learn how to make printables that people want to buy, and the best places to sell them on.
Secondly, you’ll need to understand how to price your printables and understand the most in-demand printables people actually buy.
From selling printables, it’s possible to generate as much money as $2,800 dollars in a month.
Could be more. Could be less.
And it really depends on what you’re doing and how you’re going about everything.
Rachel Jones did this with her printables-based business on Etsy; she makes $10k+ a month from selling printables online, precisely on Etsy.
You can replicate her procedures to get similar or even more pleasant results.
15. Copywriting.
Copywriting is a skill I admire, it’s a skill I could learn easily if I wanted to.
It’s a skill you could learn very easily too but then you’ll need to be a good writer first.
Copywriting has to do with descriptive and persuasive writing for products.
So, the better the copy, the higher the conversions a product will get.
In simpler words, the better and more persuasive copies/descriptions products have, the more sales they’re going to get.
And this is why copywriters can be paid a lot of money for their skill.
However, you can make $700 dollars a week from home as a copywriter, and you can start finding jobs right now if you’re good.
On Upwork, Fiverr and Indeed, you’ll easily get jobs that can pay you as high as $500 bucks.
But then, I can’t fully assure you because it takes time for new freelancers to get gigs.
Again, you can reach out to companies and product manufacturers online with a cold pitch to work for them.
Freelancing as a copywriter is the general way to make money copywriting, but you can also create a course about copywriting and promote it to get sales and generate passive income to the tune of $700/week.
Creating a course takes time, but it’s upfront work to generate passive income, plus, it’s a way to escape the rat race of freelancing to make money as a copywriter.
16. Drop-shipping.
Drop-shipping is the music of the web right now in the realm of digital business models to make money.
It’s one of the ways to make $700 a week from home, and you don’t need a lot of money to start it.
I’ll call this ecommerce but without the burden of inventory management.
So, with less than $500 dollars, you can start up a good drop-shipping store online and start making money.
I really wish it were so easy.
Everyone else would be good at it and they’d be making $$$ every month doing drop-shipping.
The thing is, there’s a lot to learn about drop-shipping before taking the necessary steps to start it.
If you don’t learn, you might get in like every other newbie and get lost along the line.
Learn, then leap – there’s a working strategy and sometimes, you need to find what really works as there are some products viable for a successful drop-shipping business model that hasn’t been discovered yet.
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17. Forex trading.
Trading the Forex market is another way to make $700 a week from home.
And you could make a lot more than this with the requisite skill and experience.
Yeah, you’ll need to acquire the skill to trade the forex markets and one of the things I know pretty well is that this will take you some time.
You can start learning right now if you have no idea what the Forex market is all about and how to trade it.
Basically, there are different trading strategies when it comes to forex and financial markets in general, but there’s no 100% guaranteed strategy to trade the market.
That’d be illegal, and, well, it doesn’t exist.
You cut your losses, calculate your risks, be willing to lose more and you might eventually become a winning trader.
How to Make $700 a Week from Home: 17 Smart & Real Methods – Final Words.
Like I told you before now, I’ve got you covered.
You can start doing any of these jobs from home to make $700 a week.
In a nutshell, some of the ways on how to make $700 a week from home include forex trading, drop-shipping, copywriting, selling printables online, stock trading, onlyfans modeling, graphics designing, blogging, podcasting, affiliate marketing, freelance writing, proofreading, programming, SMI (social media influencing), course sales, ghostwriting, and content creation for the YouTube audience.