13 Best Jobs that Pay $150k a Year without a Degree

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Jobs that Pay $150k a Year without a Degree

Looking for the best jobs that pay $150k a year without a degree? 

You’re in the right place and you’re certainly not alone. For the record, you don’t need a degree to make as much money as $150,000 a year. And you can make even more money but I’m not promising that anything is going to be easy. 

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I mean, even with a degree, bagging $150k a year isn’t an easy deal. So, here are some of the best self-employed jobs that pay $150k a year and you don’t need a college degree to get into them. 

13 Best Jobs that Pay $150k a Year without a Degree


Blogging is not just about sharing your thoughts; it’s a lucrative career option for those who can consistently produce valuable content. To reach the $150,000 mark annually, you’ll need to build a substantial following. This involves choosing a niche that you’re passionate about and that has a sizable audience. 

Invest time in SEO to improve your blog’s visibility on search engines. Monetization avenues include advertising, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and even selling your products or services.


The world of animation offers numerous opportunities for individuals with artistic talent and technical skills. Whether it’s creating animated movies, video games, or advertisements, skilled animators can earn well. 

To maximize your income, focus on honing your animation skills and building a strong portfolio. Networking within the industry is also crucial, as it can lead to freelance or full-time job opportunities.


In the realm of online content creation, platforms like YouTube have evolved into lucrative avenues for individuals to attain annual earnings of $150,000 or more, all without the need for a formal degree. This accomplishment usually hinges on the production of consistent and captivating content that successfully garners a substantial and dedicated viewership.

Income generation on YouTube arises through various channels, encompassing revenue from advertisements, lucrative sponsorships, merchandise sales, and even crowdfunding initiatives through platforms like Patreon. 

To safeguard your financial stability and foster long-term success in this field, it’s prudent to diversify your income sources. By doing so, you not only bolster your earning potential but also fortify your financial footing in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about promoting products or services on your platform and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral. 

Success in this field demands effective content marketing and understanding your target audience. Building partnerships with companies and selecting profitable niches are essential. As your audience grows, so will your potential earnings.

Digital Marketing

The digital marketing landscape is vast, encompassing SEO, social media management, content marketing, and more. To secure high-paying positions or freelance gigs in this field, you’ll need to acquire a deep understanding of online marketing strategies. 

Certification programs and staying up-to-date with industry trends can give you a competitive edge. Building a portfolio showcasing your successful campaigns will help you land lucrative projects.


Barbering isn’t just a trade; it’s an art. Building a successful career as a barber starts with formal training and gaining experience. 

To command premium rates and reach the $150,000 annual income, focus on providing exceptional service, staying updated with the latest trends, and building a loyal clientele. Running your barbershop can provide even more financial independence.

Retail Store

Achieving an annual income of $150,000 without a formal degree through the ownership and management of a thriving retail store encompasses various pivotal elements. It commences with the astute identification of a niche market or in-demand product category. 

From there, your path to success hinges on the delivery of exemplary customer service, the creation of an inviting and thoughtfully organized store layout, and the implementation of savvy marketing tactics that captivate and convert potential buyers.

Yet, the pursuit of this financial milestone doesn’t end there. Building robust relationships with suppliers becomes paramount, as it not only secures a steady flow of quality products but often opens doors to favorable pricing terms. 

Simultaneously, the meticulous management of inventory becomes the bedrock of profitability, preventing overstocking or shortages that could adversely impact your bottom line. Through these strategic steps, you can steadily work towards achieving an impressive $150,000 annual income without the need for a formal degree.

Check Cashing 

Commencing a check-cashing enterprise presents a promising avenue for financial success, particularly when strategically positioned within regions characterized by a substantial influx of financial transactions. Nevertheless, it is imperative to recognize that this endeavor demands meticulous attention to regulatory requirements and a steadfast commitment to unwavering compliance standards. 

Establishing an unwavering foundation of trust with your clientele stands as the linchpin to long-term prosperity in this industry. Diversification of services can significantly augment your profitability. 

Alongside the core check-cashing service, expanding your offerings to encompass auxiliary financial services, such as facilitating secure money transfers or enabling convenient bill payment options, presents an enticing opportunity to broaden your customer base and enhance your revenue stream. 

In doing so, you not only cater to a broader spectrum of financial needs but also bolster your business’s resilience in the face of market fluctuations.

Food Truck

Starting a check-cashing business can indeed be a lucrative venture, particularly in areas where there is a high volume of financial transactions. It’s a service that many individuals rely on, especially those who may not have access to traditional banking services. 

However, embarking on this journey requires more than just setting up shop; it demands a comprehensive understanding of the financial industry, a commitment to adhering to regulations, and a dedication to building a solid reputation.

One of the critical aspects of operating a successful check-cashing business is ensuring strict adherence to financial regulations and compliance standards. These regulations are in place to safeguard both your business and your customers. 

Compliance involves verifying the identity of individuals cashing checks, reporting transactions over a certain threshold to relevant authorities, and maintaining accurate records of financial activities. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in legal issues and penalties that can harm your business’s financial health.

Beyond regulatory compliance, trust is the foundation upon which a check-cashing business is built. Customers must have confidence that their transactions will be handled securely, efficiently, and with the utmost integrity. 

Establishing trust involves creating a welcoming and professional environment, training your staff to handle transactions competently and courteously, and implementing robust security measures to protect against fraud or theft.

To take your check-cashing business to the next level and potentially reach that $150,000 annual income goal, consider diversifying your services. Offering additional financial services such as money transfers, bill payment services, or even payday loans can significantly boost your income. 

These services not only increase customer traffic but also provide valuable solutions for individuals who rely on your business for their financial needs. Furthermore, staying updated with the latest technological advancements in the financial industry can enhance the efficiency of your check-cashing operation. 

Implementing digital record-keeping systems, online transaction tracking, and mobile payment options can streamline your processes, making your business more convenient and attractive to customers.

Beauty Store

Operating a beauty supply store can be profitable, but it requires a comprehensive understanding of the beauty industry and consumer preferences. 

Stocking a wide range of products and catering to a diverse customer base can lead to higher sales. Consider offering expert advice and hosting events to attract and retain customers.


Learning programming languages and software development can open doors to high-paying jobs in various industries. The demand for skilled programmers is continuously growing. 

To reach the $150,000 annual income, focus on mastering in-demand programming languages, building a strong portfolio, and gaining practical experience. Networking and staying updated with industry trends are crucial for career advancement.


Freelancing has become an increasingly viable career path, particularly in fields such as writing, graphic design, web development, and consulting. The appeal of freelancing lies in the freedom it offers, allowing individuals to work on their terms, choose their projects, and potentially earn substantial incomes. However, succeeding as a freelancer is not simply a matter of signing up for freelance platforms; it requires a strategic approach and a commitment to excellence.

Building a strong portfolio is the first step towards establishing yourself as a successful freelancer. Your portfolio is your professional showcase, demonstrating your skills and expertise to potential clients. 

It should feature your best work, showcasing a diverse range of projects that highlight your capabilities. Consider creating case studies that detail the challenges you’ve faced and how you’ve solved them for previous clients. 

A well-structured and visually appealing portfolio can make a significant difference in attracting clients willing to pay premium rates for your services.

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Online Trading 

While online trading can yield significant profits, it’s also associated with risk. To reach a $150,000 annual income, it’s crucial to educate yourself thoroughly about the markets you’re trading in and to develop a sound trading strategy. Practice risk management and consider starting with a modest investment until you gain experience and confidence. 

Keep abreast of market news and trends to make informed decisions. These diverse career paths offer the potential to earn $150,000 or more annually without a traditional degree.

Success in each field requires dedication, skill development, adaptability, and often, entrepreneurial spirit. Choose a path that aligns with your interests and invest in your growth to maximize your earning potential.

13 Best Jobs that Pay $150k a Year without a Degree – Summary 

Rounding things off, some of the best jobs that pay $150k a year without a degree include online trading or trading the financial markets, programming or coding things up, launching a beauty store, animation creation, YouTube content creation, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, barbering, starting a retail store, opening your food truck or check cashing point. 

These are some self-employed jobs that can generate as much money as $150k a year for you, and even more if you’re willing to scale up. Some of them are really expensive to get into, but expect a juicer ROI.