11 Best Jobs that Pay $80k a Year without a Degree

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Jobs that Pay $80k a Year without a Degree

Do you believe you can make tens of thousands of dollars without going to college?

I bet you do and that’s why you’re here right now looking for the best self-employed jobs that pay $80k a year without a degree. 

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I’ve got you. 

This article is clearly for you, and the jobs that I list here can definitely make you over $80k per year (or $7k/month) without a degree. 

Check them out. 

11 Best Jobs that Pay $80k a Year without a Degree. 

1. Blogging. 

Blogging tops the list of the best jobs that pay $80k a year without a degree (at least to me and other bloggers making a decent income well over $80k a year – even if I’m not quite there yet). 

Firstly, you pick a niche to start a blog in, and then you just create content around the topics in that niche. 

It’s way more than that though but that’s the basics of everything – good and relevant content on a consistent basis over a long stretch of time. 

There are several ways to build a blog from scratch to over $80k a year (and even $80k a month). 

But the very first step is to pick a profitable blogging niche and to start your blog if you haven’t already. 

Blogging is a way out of the rat race. 

It’s a way to make life-changing money too. 

And if you want to start right now, here’s a complete guide containing profitable niches to start in, steps to get your blog online, and steps to get traffic so that you’re earning from it. 

2. Animation designing.

Animation or motion pictures entice the eyes. 

They’re fun to look at, and I wonder how challenging it can be to create stuff like that. 

I’d be willing to pay someone to get it done for me at this point because I have no interest in getting to learn about it myself. 

But then, if you’re good at it, you can make $80,000 a year even if you never went to college. 

Plus, it’s not a skill that you must learn from college, and you don’t need to have a degree to make over $80k a year from this self-employed job. 

If you’re good at motion designing, at this point, it really is a self-employed job because it’s something you do to make money while you work on your own terms. 

3. Video editing. 

Video editing is also a skill you can learn over the internet and through courses. 

Once you’re good at making videos, you can work as a freelancer online for clients to make some money, create your own video editing course to make sales that propels passive income, and you can start a YouTube channel. 

Your YouTube channel can be in any profitable niche of your choice – which could easily be the video editing niche – teaching people stuff you’re good at. 

Easily, this can become a self-employed job that can make over $80,000 a year without a degree. You really don’t have to go to college to acquire this skill. 

4. Affiliate marketing. 

You don’t need a degree to become an affiliate marketer, and it’s one of the best jobs that pay $80k a year in passive income. 

Yes, affiliate marketing is a method to generate passive income on the internet, and you just need to understand how to do it the right way if you really want to make tons of money off it. 

First, you become an affiliate marketer, and then you promote affiliate products. 

For every sale you generate, you get a commission. That’s pretty much the basics of affiliate marketing. 

While you can make a couple hundred dollars from it every month doing it the traditional way by signing up on Amazon associates, you can make thousands per day by creating valuable content around affiliate products for people to find and make use of. 

5. Freelance writing. 

If you want to make money online and you don’t have enough money to invest in anything but you’re good at writing and you also don’t want to work with a degree, you can take up freelance writing gigs online to make money. 

While this is a self-employed job, the tendency for you to make as much as $80k a year is totally dependent on you. 

The more you write for freelance clients, that’s the more money you’ll make. 

But then, another thing you can do to easily hit $80,000 a year without a degree is to create a freelance writing course or start a content business around freelance writing – which can be a blog or a YouTube channel. 

You can monetize these online content businesses in different ways and you’ll also be earning passively from your course. 

It takes time and it’s not as simple as I make it seem. 

6. Stock trading. 

Thanks to the internet, you can now own companies by very little percentages through the stock market. 

Basically, that’s stock investment. 

If you want to make $80k a year without going to college, then this is something you should really consider. 

Stock trading isn’t a way to lose money. 

It’s not gambling. 

It’s a gateway to real wealth. 

And you can make tons of money from trading profitably if you have a winning strategy. 

However, learning to trade is the first thing you want to do if you’re a newbie. 

7. SMPM (Social media presence monetization). 

Now, if you’re famous on social media, you can make it a self-employed hustle to make $80k a year. 

Depending on how engaged your followers are, you can either sell products you own, products you recommend, or post sponsored content on your page. 

If you run a blog, a YouTube channel or you have a place to drive traffic to, you can send traffic from your celebrity page on social media to any destination that’s monetized. 

You’re going to get real results especially if you already have trust with your followers. 

Going forward, you don’t need to go to college to make this work, and monetizing your social media page if you’re a star or influencer with over 10k followers is something that can generate tons of cash for you. 

8. Programming. 

While programming is a creative skill for web development, you don’t really need to go to college to learn how to become a programmer or to learn to write codes. 

It’s one of the self-employed jobs that can make you millions of dollars because it’s a creational skill, and it’s an integral aspect of web dev. 

So, as a programmer, you can earn from taking freelance gigs online, selling courses of your own, and promoting affiliate products. 

You can also make a ton of money from launching either a blog or a YouTube channel to teach the world about the stuff you know. 

The last way you can make millions of dollars as a programmer is to build your own software, but you’ll be spending thousands of dollars on marketing in the long run. 

9. E-commerce. 

E-commerce is a multi billion dollar industry. 

And some of the biggest names in the industry like Amazon and eBay generate millions of dollars in sales every single day. 

So, it can be a self-employed job and can be a multifaceted business depending on how you get started and how much resources you’ve got at your disposal. 

Launching an ecommerce business has two faces to it – the online face for web visitors and shoppers, and then the physical face where you rent a warehouse to keep your inventory. 

You can also decide to start a digital products store just to sell digital products. 

But if you don’t want to do a lot of work from building an ecommerce store online to shipping products across your city or state or country, then drop-shipping is the answer. 

It’s also similar to ecommerce but without the inventory, without shipping products, without other ecommerce burden

Both e-commerce and the twin – drop-shipping – are great self-employed hustles or jobs that can make $80k a year without a degree. 

You really have no use for a degree here. 

And with either of them, you can make much more than you could make with a master’s degree. 

According to a research I made, cardiologists are the highest paid professionals in the US, and they earn at the highest a salary of $353,970

This, my friend, is what you can make with a successful drop-shipping or e-commerce store every month – for a total of $4.2 million. 

Once you’re able to start one drop-shipping or e-commerce store and build it to success, you’ll be able to build more like it just to earn more. 

10. Forex trading

Forex trading has made a lot of people and firms go bankrupt.

The good news is that a lot of people make a living off trading the forex market. 

There are also companies whose foundations are fabricated around forex trading or making a profit off trading the forex market. 

So, yes, it’s one of the jobs that pays $80 a year without a degree and you can make more money if you’re good at trading. 

It takes time to learn Forex, and it takes more time to have enough experience in the market. 

To make $80k a year, this means you’ll need to have about $10k or $20k in trading capital to begin the trading marathon to $80,000 in pure profits by the end of the year or at the end of 12 months. 

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11. Crypto trading. 

Without a doubt, trading crypto is one of the best self-employed jobs that pay $80k a year without a degree. 

You don’t need to have a degree or to go to college to learn the ways of the crypto market. 

You also don’t need to have a college degree to open a crypto trading account. 

Everything from learning to trade to eventually trading and making money can be done from home – your bedroom or your living room as long as you have a PC, an iphone, or a tablet and an internet connection. 

Other than learning to trade and acquiring the skill, you’ll need to have some cash set aside to trade with – cash you’re not looking to spend and cash you’re willing to give up. 

11 Best Jobs that Pay $80k a Year without a Degree – Final Words. 

In reality, some of the best jobs that pay $80k a year with no experience include crypto trading, forex trading, e-commerce, programming, SMPM (which is a short for Social Media Presence Monetization that I coined for monetizing your social media fame), stock trading, freelance writing, affiliate marketing, video editing, animation designing, and blogging. 

There are tons of other methods to make $80,000/year without a college degree (or any other form of degree), but these make up the list of some realistic ones.